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Rose Hill

Founder and President


Rose Hill, has served clients in the high-technology industry since apps were called software programs. She is outrageously passionate about the data, details, and processes required to create outstanding and effective integrated marketing programs.


With a focus on lifetime customer-relationship value, she is a fierce champion for those who ultimately receive each marketing message. Because every business exists only so long as it delivers exceptional value to its customers, Rose ensures your marketing is built on a viable, customer-focused strategy underpinned by today’s data-driven, proven marketing tactics.


Hands-on at the RH+M3 command center, Rose qualifies, selects, trains, and manages the people on every RH+M3 client project, ensuring your work is done on time, in budget, and to the highest standards. Rose is the maestro firmly orchestrating the delivery of a virtuoso performance for your content-marketing program.


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